Uploaded on Aug 06, 2018

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Elements of Renewable Energy Strategy for Jordan and the GCC
Fadi Marji is presenting elements of the Renewable Energy Strategy for Jordan and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Fadi Marji’s talk is part of the expertise exchange platform at MBA Renewables’ 2nd Alumni Conference 2018.

His presentation includes the following topics:
- Challenges of global energy supply
- Renewable Energy in Jordan
- Renewable Energy in the GCC: drivers and restraints

The MBA Renewables Alumni Conference enables exchange and international networking. MBA Renewables graduates constitute a multicultural group of experts with diverse focuses on the renewable energy and energy efficiency fields, thus making the Alumni Conference an excellent platform for discussing this year’s motto "Perspectives of Renewable Power Generation for On-grid and Off-grid Power Supply".

The MBA Renewables starts annually, and you can apply by September 1st. Learn more about the application process: http://www.mba-renewables.de/application/1st-step.html

The distance learning programme MBA Renewables, jointly offered by the Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin and the Renewables Academy (RENAC), is designed to equip future leaders with advanced interdisciplinary management skills for executive positions in the highly globalised market of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Graduates can pursue career paths along the whole green energy value chain, from private sector to public organisations, financing institutions and consultancies.

If you would like to participate in the MBA Renewables programme visit our website at: http://www.mba-renewables.de/home.html

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