Uploaded on Nov 11, 2021

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CityU MBA SHARP Forum Highlights: Catching the Digital Wave -FinTech Talent Development
Catching the Digital Wave: The Burgeoning Challenges and Opportunities for FinTech Talent Development

Speakers: Dr. Lucas Hui, Acting Co-CEO cum CTO, ASTRI; Jeff Tang, Partner, EY; Fred Ngan, Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Bowtie; Philip Tam, Founder, CryptoSX

As a global hotbed for FinTech startups and scaleups, Hong Kong has seen a talent gap wherein supply for a myriad of skills required for digital transformation is not meeting demand. To prevent talent shortage, what are essential strategic imperatives for corporates? How should individual talents develop relevant core competencies to align with the resulting opportunities for advancement? Leading experts are invited to address these questions.

About the Forum: https://mba.cb.cityu.edu.hk/features/sharp-forum/20210603
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